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courtenay airpark

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BCGA's 'Brown Bag Fly-out'

  • 23/08/2020
  • 11:00 AM (PDT)
  • Merritt

Informational poster

Announcing the Brown Bag Fly-Out Series!

Pack a picnic, load the lawn chairs...go flying!
BCGA and Flying BC thought it would be great to give pilots an opportunity to socialize in a responsible manner this summer, visit some under-used airports, and meet new friends! The idea is that you bring your own food and chairs, and we can all socialize with appropriate distance outdoors.

This is self-organized fun. There won't be marshals or parking attendants or much else in the way of...

Pilot Lounge:  (250) 334-8545
Not regularly attended

Courtenay Airpark Assn.
1-110 20th St.
Courtenay, BC   V9N 8B1

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