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courtenay airpark

An Aviators paradise in the heart of the Comox Valley

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Courtenay Airpark Association AGM

  • 23/02/2025
  • 2:00 PM
  • Courtenay Airpark Pilots Lounge

Courtenay Airpark Association Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 23rd 2025 starting at 1400 PST, followed by social hour with refreshments.

Venue is the Pilots Lounge at the Airpark.

Please arrive and be seated by 1400 so the meeting can get under way on time.

Pilot Lounge:  (250) 334-8545
Not regularly attended

Courtenay Airpark Assn.
1-110 20th St.
Courtenay, BC   V9N 8B1

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