The Courtenay Airpark was the site of some very specialized training during the week of 21 to 25 February 2022.
Over the course of the week, Emergco Aerospace, a Canadian company based in Vancouver, BC, provided Human External Cargo (HEC) rescue training for the RCMP Comox Air Section and the Vancouver Island Emergency Response Team (ERT). The training, conducted at the Airpark and at Smits Field, provided the RCMP pilots and ERT members from across Vancouver Island with the skills necessary to conduct external helicopter-borne rescue and evacuation operations in difficult and often inaccessible environments.
The training included classroom work, static harness training and specialized external long-line training, using the Comox Air Section’s Airbus H-125 helicopter flown by RCMP pilots. The HEC training, which certified seven members of the Vancouver Island ERT and the local RCMP pilots, was successfully completed on 25 February.
The Courtenay Airpark was delighted to host the training in their facilities, and is proud to have contributed to a skills-building undertaking that will benefit those who may find themselves in distress across Vancouver Island (and elsewhere, if needed).
Ray Henault
The Board of Directors
Courtenay Airpark Association
100 – 20thStreet
Courtenay, BC V9N 8B1